Project Designer

  • EDUCATION Bluegrass Community & Technical College

I am a project designer; I take an important role in the stages of the design process and aid our project managers to completing the best work we can provide. I have enjoyed being exposed not only to my coworkers’ methods and disciplines but also to the family structure of our office.


Life changes from how you might have seen it as a kid. Eventually you realized you hardened your skin. One day you realized you didn’t want to get trampled on again. It’s funny when you then realize you’ll be looking for stampedes the rest of your life. It can drive people mad. So what good is hardened skin? Eventually that will wither too. But your spirit never will, and somewhere deep down there’s a piece of you that never changed. I think being aware of that, in the work place of course, is integral to how we treat each other. Work hard at what you want, and work harder for your spirit.


Studio Sessions Vol.16

November 9th, 2023|

DeTroy Price est. August 31, 2022 Driven, dauntless, hard working, persistent, uplifting, a pro source on where to find the best hot wings... these are just a few of the key things that come to ...