Emily White, A.AIA
As a valued member of the iA team, my focus lies in fostering a culture of collaboration and teamwork. Drawing on my extensive experience in educational design, I bring a fresh and creative perspective to our projects and offer direction that is both innovative and effective. Whether it’s overseeing current initiatives or planning for future ones, I am committed to ensuring that our work at iA is always of the highest quality and meets the needs of our clients and stakeholders.
“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” – Aibileen “The Help”

Studio Sessions Vol.16
DeTroy Price est. August 31, 2022 Driven, dauntless, hard working, persistent, uplifting, a pro source on where to find the best hot wings... these are just a few of the key things that come to ...
Unlocking Continuing Education: Benefits of CAAK A Vital Resource for Kentucky Architects
Joey P. Nolasco, AIA, CID Secretary; Kentucky Board of Architects Managing Member/Co-Founder; integrity ARCHITECTURE, PLLC. As a practicing architect dedicated to advancing our profession, I write to you today with a testament to ...