My primary role within iA is business management. Our ownership is represented by two individuals with complementary roles and responsibilities within the firm. My primary focus is on marketing, customer relations, finance, and overall operations. Strategic planning that enables growth and development of both the company and our staff is where I hope to provide the most effective support within the firm.
God gave us two eyes, two ears, and one mouth for a reason…there are times we must watch and listen twice as intensely as we speak. Our team has a wonderful chemistry and we leverage that chemistry and excitement on all projects. Open communication and total inclusion make for a high energy work environment which will enhance your projects to a higher level.

Studio Sessions Vol.16
DeTroy Price est. August 31, 2022 Driven, dauntless, hard working, persistent, uplifting, a pro source on where to find the best hot wings... these are just a few of the key things that come to ...
Unlocking Continuing Education: Benefits of CAAK A Vital Resource for Kentucky Architects
Joey P. Nolasco, AIA, CID Secretary; Kentucky Board of Architects Managing Member/Co-Founder; integrity ARCHITECTURE, PLLC. As a practicing architect dedicated to advancing our profession, I write to you today with a testament to ...