Okay, let us imagine the size of:

  • 45 (American) football fields
  • 49 Boeing 747s, or
  • 31,196 Toyota Corollas.

Easy enough right? Now let’s imagine that UNDER 3,637 TONS of glass…

But instead of football fields, airplanes, or cars; it’s fresh tomatoes ripe for the picking.

Well, fortunately for any of you unimaginative people out there… you don’t HAVE to imagine it anymore. You can see it for yourself now in Morehead, Kentucky as AppHarvest’s new flagship, 60-acre high-tech greenhouse and corporate office.

Who is AppHarvest? They are a company redefining farming in the United States by using cutting-edge technologies to grow healthy food, sustainably, with fewer resources right here in Appalachia.

According to Appharvest, the greenhouse in Morehead can:

  • Reduce water usage by 90%.
  • Reduce lighting usage by 40% with LED fixtures.
  • Be able to grow 365 days a year.
  • Not require pesticides.
  • Yield 30x more food compared to traditional farming.

Impressive? We think so. What else is impressive? They are hitting the ground running by constructing not one but TWO more greenhouses at the same time. One will be in Madison County, Kentucky for fruits and vegetables and the other in Berea, Kentucky for leafy greens.

i/A  is honored to have been part of the team and project in Morehead and we would like to say congratulations AppHarvest on your REVOLUTIONARY new AgTech facility.


To learn more about AppHarvest visit their website HERE