Trinity Christian Academy
    Nicholasville, KY
  • TEAM
    The Hayden Company, Poage Engineers


Trinity Christian Academy had been rapidly outgrowing their existing facilities over the past several years and recently selected i/A to help them realize their dream of a new campus. Being designed and built in several phases over several years, the campus will ultimately contain upper (grades 7-12), lower (K-6), and a free-standing Pre-school.

The facilities will contain 60 classrooms, four specially designed group learning spaces, two gymnasiums, two cafeterias, a performance theater, a chapel, media and library centers, and plenty of space for administrative functions. The primary building will contain more than 120,000 square feet of space – and yet it accounts for only 20% of the total developed property area. The remaining 80% of Trinity’s campus will be dominated by learning and prayer gardens, athletic fields, and supporting facilities.

Studio Sessions Vol.16

November 9th, 2023|

DeTroy Price est. August 31, 2022 Driven, dauntless, hard working, persistent, uplifting, a pro source on where to find the best hot wings... these are just a few of the key things that come to ...