You know… We often attribute the best designs in our portfolio to the collaborative chemistry with that particular client. Oh how right we were…
In our three years of operation, I doubt we’ve had a bigger regret than this: Why – oh WHY – did we not consult with the Cub Scouts of Troop 103 prior to designing the Lancaster Pedestrian Bridge?! Nothing screams safety of pedestrian traffic quite like a four-story mechanized warlord flanked by twin sentry dragons and one very snappy Mr. Krabs. Who in the world wouldn’t feel safe???
This was the exquisite product of i/A’s creative collaboration with Lexington’s local Cub Scout Troop 103. These talented young men dropped by our studio last week to learn a little bit about how 3D design tools help us construct real life structures, and in the process, helped us learn just how much fantastical creatures set off a quality finished product.
Thanks to Troop 103 for the visit and the new perspective on design!!